Can This 10-Second "Breakfast Trick" Really Reduce Your Chances Of Getting Sick By 75%?

Lore Lucas is a 97-year-old Jewish refugee and Holocaust survivor…

Who “hardly ever gets a cold, bug, or infection”...

And has never missed a single day of work in her life...

Even though she’s lived through the most stressful times you could possibly imagine…

Has no special diet…

And worked as a nurse where she was constantly around other sick people on a daily basis.

She’s what I like to call an Anti-Sneezer…

The type of person who laughs in the face of sickness…

Brushes off colds without leaving with so much as a sniffle…

And recovers from illnesses in just a day or two...

They appear to be superhuman…

With the kind of bulletproof immune system the rest of us can only dream about as we chomp down yet another 1,000mg vitamin C tablet and hope for the best...

But what is their secret?

This question has plagued scientists for DECADES...

And they’ve finally discovered why.

The GOOD news is…

  • It can take just 10 seconds with breakfast each morning to reduce your chances of getting sick by up to 75%...

  • It boosts your energy so you actually feel better on a daily basis…

  • It has dozens of other health benefits so you can fight back not only against pathogens trying to make you sick, but aging itself…

    In just a second I’m going to show you exactly what it is...

And how to create your own custom…
on-demand pharmacy inside your own body which...

  • Helps block viruses BEFORE they can enter your system and infect your entire body...

  • Tracks down and kills intruders so you can spend less time feeling sick and miserable…

  • Supercharges your natural defense system and protects your healthy cells without taking fistfuls of hard-to-swallow pills…

  • Gives you more energy so you can wake up without feeling groggy, tired and worn out…

  • Boosts the effectiveness of any “immune boosters” you may be taking…
  • Gives your immune system everything it needs to stay STRONG and bulletproof... 

Now you might be thinking
this all sounds too good to be true…

But I promise you it’s not…

And I have scientific research from prestigious medical universities such as John’s Hopkins to prove exactly what I’m about to tell you.

For example on this page I’ll show you a unique 10-second breakfast trick you can use to...

  • Reduce your chances of getting sick by up to 75%...

  • Reduce the duration of those illnesses by up to 3 days….

  • And reduce the severity of your symptoms by up to 37% if you do manage to get one...*

On top of that it’s also been shown to...

  • Reduce upper respiratory infections… 
  • Slash the amount of time people felt sick…
  • Reduce the need for antibiotics…
  • And help people avoid taking sick leave...*

On top of that…

Another study showed that infected subjects were shown to have 18 TIMES less harmful pathogens in their lungs...*

And on top of THAT…

One Australian study showed it could boost the flu vaccine by making it last longer and work more efficiently...*

The best part is that all this can happen… 

  • WITHOUT changing your diet… 
  • WITHOUT gorging in Vitamin C or any other vitamin… 
  • And REGARDLESS of your age...

In fact… 

This new discovery makes traditional
“immunity boosting" solutions obsolete... 

That’s because it solves the #1 problem causing you to experience a weak immune system…

  • That oranges and other foods and supplements high in vitamin C can’t fix…

  • That antibiotics destroy and make worse…

  • And that other solutions don’t help because they attack the problem just from one angle...

I promise to show you exactly what this is and why it’s different from everything else you’ve heard about before…

How it works and how you can easily implement it into your daily routine without changing your diet…


And how it can change your life by rebuilding your immune system from the ground up. 

But first I need to explain why...

Most solutions for "stronger immunity"
are based on a GUESS

You’ve probably heard of other solutions to boost immunity…

And maybe you’ve even tried a few to help you avoid getting sick​.

But most products are single-ingredient products, such as…

  • Colloidal silver…
  • Elderberries…
  • Vitamin C…
  • Zinc…
  • And many others...

Now the problem isn’t that they aren’t effective…

It’s that they generally only support ONE aspect of your immune system.

Why is that a problem?

Because your immune system is not as simple as “find the invader and kill it”...

You can’t just flip a switch, kill all the bad guys, and be protected...

It’s not a force field protecting your house that acts as a single unit.

Instead it’s a massive, complicated, intricate system with HUNDREDS of different components…

Managing BILLIONS of cells throughout your entire body.

That’s why you can’t fully protect yourself by taking one single supplement...

It’s like trying to make your favorite recipe with only one ingredient.

You might be protecting ONE area of your immune system…

But if you don’t protect all areas of your immune system...

You can still be at risk.

Plus you have to worry about…

  • Whether or not they’re using ENOUGH of the ingredient to actually be effective…

  • Whether or not you’re getting the right FORM of that ingredient...

  • Whether or not it will actually ABSORB in your body…

And if you do somehow manage to get it all perfectly correct…

You still have to figure out how to mix and match various herbs, vitamins, minerals and supplements to protect each specific area of your body. 

And so many more.

Now again I’m NOT saying they don’t help…

In fact it’s a GREAT thing if you’re already taking something…

And I’ll show you how to supercharge the effects of them in just a few minutes.

But first I need to show you why...

You have to start at the source
if you want a bulletproof immune system…

Believe it or not…

Scientists estimate that up to 80% of your immune system is created in your gut by healthy bacteria.*

Now you may have heard of the term “gut bacteria” in the health community over the last few years. 

That’s because doctors are beginning to understand that so many symptoms... 

Like weight gain, low energy, junk food cravings, brain fog and specifically your immune system... 

All start in the digestive system.

You see... 

There are trillions of bacteria that live in your digestive system and make up what’s called your microbiome.

These bacteria make up to 5 pounds of the average human body mass (about the size of your liver!)... 

Even though they’re microscopic in size.

And they are the “engine”
for your immune system…

If this engine is healthy, your immune system is robust and protects you…

But if it’s imbalanced, your immune system is weak and defenseless.

But what’s more impressive is the actual RESULTS it creates…

Because in the end, all you want is to stay healthy.

Which is why you’ll be glad to know that...

Boosting specific gut bacteria can
reduce your chances of getting sick 
by up to 75%!*

That’s the difference between getting sick every year…

Or once every 4 years!

And believe it or not, it gets even more impressive.

Because one study showed they not only can they reduce your chance of GETTING sick by up to 75%...

They can also...

  • Reduce how LONG you stay sick by 41% (the equivalent of about 7 days to 4 days)...*

  • Reduce the SEVERITY of  symptoms by up to 37% if you do happen to get sick...*

So that means you’re less likely to get sick in the first place…

Stay sick for a much shorter time…

And don’t feel as bad as you would have…

That’s a pretty good combination if you ask me.

Because nobody WANTS to be sick…

  • It forces you to take time off of work, costing you money or days you could have spent doing more fun things like a quick getaway with your spouse…

  • It sometimes causes you to miss out on fun events, holidays, and time with friends…

  • It’s SO boring that you think you’re going crazy…

  • Plus it just makes you feel so “yucky” when you can hardly breathe, your nose is clogged, you’re coughing, and everything else that happens when you’re sick…

It’s the WORST, and I want to help you avoid it.

And if you’re like me, you’re probably asking HOW your gut bacteria builds a bulletproof immune system.

The short answer is…

Your gut bacteria acts like a custom…
on-demand pharmacy for your own body…

Imagine living inside a pharmacy…

  • With detailed knowledge of exactly how every detail of the human body works…

  • With access to the exact nutrients you need for optimal performance…

  • With a detailed analysis of everything happening inside your body at all times…

Sounds like some kind of fairytale right?

Well that’s exactly how your gut bacteria work!

Remember how I said there are trillions of bacteria spread all throughout your body?

Well those bacteria can literally talk and communicate with each other…

  • So the bacteria on your skin send out warning signs when they encounter a new virus...

  • The bacteria in your nose tell your stomach that they’ve broken through their defenses…

  • So the bacteria in your stomach then send out “hunters” to find the intruders and kill them before they can do damage...

That’s a very simplistic example but I’m sure you get the point…

Because where it gets REALLY exciting is when…

Your gut bacteria “talk” to your brain
and tell it what it needs to stay healthy

They do this through something called the “gut brain axis”.

The gut-brain axis consists of a bidirectional communication between the central and enteric nervous system…

And it links your immune system to your central nervous system.

THIS is the reason your gut bacteria play a role in so many areas of your health…

And why establishing a strong, bulletproof microbiome…

Helps you build a bulletproof immune system as well!

Now don’t worry…

I’m NOT about to tell you to take a probiotic and call it a day.

Because they don’t give your body everything it needs either.

There’s still one major puzzle piece missing to establish a bulletproof immune system…

And I’ll tell you exactly what it is in just a moment…

But first I need to explain how your microbiome...

  1. Helps BLOCK viruses and bacteria from entering your body…

  2. Helps KILL those that do manage to sneak past your first line of defense…

  3. Helps PROTECT your body from excessive inflammation which can make you sick…

Let me explain by showing you how it...

Helps block harmful viruses BEFORE they enter your bloodstream… 

Your immune system is divided into two types…

We’ll start with the innate immune system…

Because that focuses on keeping invaders OUT of your body to begin with.

Nearly all harmful viruses and bacteria enter your body through one of two places…

Your mouth and/or nose when you breathe… 

Or your stomach when you eat or drink.

Now in order for them to make you sick…

Tey must enter your bloodstream where they can attack and take over.

The good news is…

Our body contains something called the “epithelial wall” which was built to keep invaders out of our bloodstream.

This is a thin wall inside your stomach and throughout your upper respiratory system (like your nose and mouth)...

Which TRAP harmful invaders...

And hold them hostage until your white blood cells can race in to finish them off.

Unfortunately, this wall is only one cell thick… 

And very vulnerable. 

Every single day it’s being weakened by factors such as...

  • Harmful bacteria…

  • Alcohol…

  • Stress…

  • Antibiotics…

  • Smoking…

  • Lack of sleep…

  • Lack of diversified foods…

  • Pesticides…

  • Processed foods…

  • And DOZENS of other factors…

The problem is that this defense system WEAKENS with every year you age...*

So with time, your intestinal wall is more vulnerable to damage and cell death...*

And you’re more prone to becoming sick.

It’s also why people with illnesses such as diabetes…

Cardiovascular disease…

Autoimmune disorders…

And smokers…

Have an even higher risk at respiratory tract infections…

And have a much longer road to recovery when their immune system is under serious attack. 

The good news is that even though this barrier that keeps out harmful bacteria and viruses is only one cell thick… 

There are steps you can take to “bulletproof” this one particular area… 

That take less than 30 seconds... 

And do not require you to make drastic changes to your diet.

Again I’ll explain exactly how in just a moment…

But it’s important that you understand how this all works.

So first let me explain how your gut can...

Create custom… on-demand “killer cells”…exactly when you need them

The lining of your gut acts like a thermostat… 

And it signals your immune system to react in a certain way when harmful viruses and bacteria are present.

Certain gut bacteria instruct your immune system to create specialized immune cells called natural killer cells (NK cells) and T Lymphocytes.*

These are the cells that help protect you against harmful viruses...

So if you know someone who never gets sick… 

Even if they’re around sick people… 

THIS is how their system can fight off sickness without taking a single sick day. 

Even better… 

Scientists from the University of Florida discovered that a healthy gut can boost your immune system even when you’re completely stressed out...*

Instead of draining your immune system and causing you to get sick.

The good news is if you’re the type of person who frequently gets sick…

It’s NOT your fault!

You might be eating healthy foods…

Taking a few supplements that are supposed to boost your immune system…

Sipping on immune boosters like chicken broth…

Yet still get sick every single year…

Or even multiple times per year.

And if that sounds like you...

Your immune system might
simply be CONFUSED

Many people talk about “boosting” their immune system…

But that’s not actually the answer.

Because when your immune system is TOO aggressive…

It mistakenly attacks your own body along with all foreign invaders.

Many people experience this effect throughout the year by having seasonal allergies…

But in more severe cases it can even lead to autoimmune diseases such as… 

  • Rheumatoid arthritis

  • Inflammatory bowel disease / Crohn's

  • Multiple sclerosis

  • Type 1 diabetes

  • Psoriasis

So clearly “boosting your immune system” is NOT the answer…

Because an overactive immune system can be just as risky as an underactive one!

That’s why you need to create BALANCE…And healthy bacteria do just that… 

Remember when I showed you how bacteria “talk” to each other and your entire body?

And how it acts like a thermostat…

Creating just enough natural killer cells to fight off invaders trying to make you sick…

But not enough that it causes allergies or even overactive immune disorders?

Well that comes in handy to balance your immune system…

Because the ability to clearly talk to each other helps them control proper amounts of inflammation.

And believe it or not…

It all starts when you eat fiber

This begins to ferment in your intestines…

And produces a chemical called butyrate.

According to a recent study…

Scientists discovered that butyrate can program your immune system to produce an important immunity cell called regulatory T cells (T reg cells).*

T reg cells help balance your immune system by communicating with your body…

And regulating how it responds when it finds a bacteria or virus. 

So instead of your immune system acting like it’s a hammer and every infection is a nail…


T reg cells help your body focus on just the cells it needs to remove to keep you in optimal health.

This is how two people can get infected with the same virus…

Yet one person gets sick and can barely get out of bed… 

While the other person only gets a tiny sniffle. 

So if you get sick often... 

Certain healthy bacteria can help "bulletproof” your natural defenses...*

The good news is that you don’t have to worry about taking a whole bunch of different vitamins and supplements in order to see the benefits…

You simply strengthen your gut with certain healthy bacteria, and they take care of the rest.

They act like a customized immune-booster…

Giving your body support exactly what it needs to…

  • Help BLOCK viruses from entering your body through your nose, throat AND stomach by strengthening your epithelial linings…

  • Help KILL foreign invaders by producing natural antibodies in the correct amounts…

  • Help PROTECT from excessive inflammation to help prevent overreactions which can make you even more sick…

Now the easy solution would be to simply grab a probiotic and boost your gut health that way.

The problem is...

Most probiotics actually can’t work...

Most people don't realize that probiotics sold at big box stores like CVS, and Walgreens don’t work for most people. 

There are actually THREE reasons why…

  1. They don’t contain the right TYPE of bacteria - Different strains of bacteria help your body in different ways, and you need specific types of bacteria to boost your immune system. Now some probiotics do have the right bacteria, but the problem is…

  2. They don’t contain ENOUGH bacteria - Most probiotics only have a few billion CFU. In most cases this isn’t enough to actually make a difference. Unless your probiotic has around 25 billion or more CFU, along with a good variety of strains, it’s probably not going to make a noticeable difference. And even if it does have enough...

  3. They’re DEAD on arrival - Once again, most probiotics fall short. They use veggie capsules which can’t survive your stomach acid. That means the vast majority of bacteria inside the capsules are being killed in your stomach, before they can ever reach your intestines where they need to be...

That’s why I want to show you...

The unusual nutrient that FEEDS 
healthy gut bacteria so they can quickly
build a bulletproof immune system

What I’m talking about are prebiotics.

Now don’t get prebiotics and probiotics mixed up…

  • PRObiotics are created using the healthy strains of bacteria we’ve been talking about in this letter which make up your microbiome…

  • PREbiotics are indigestible fibers which are the food for probiotics to help them survive and thrive inside your body...

In other words...

Prebiotics are like an all-you-can-eat buffet for your healthy bacteria...

The more they can eat, the faster they can multiply and flourish. 

And the most exciting part is that the more we learn about them..

The more scientists know that they’re just as or even MORE important than probiotics themselves!

Plus you don’t have to worry about them not working like you do with probiotics…

Because they’re not live organisms and don’t have the same “survival” problems that most probiotics do.

On top of that, prebiotics have been shown to...

Boost immune-boosting bacteria 
Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria
by up to 344% and 366% respectively!*

Remember all the amazing things your gut bacteria can do to give you a bulletproof immune system?


  • Reduce your chances of getting sick by up to 75%...

  • Reduce the duration of that illness by as much as 41%...

  • Reduce the severity of symptoms by 37%...

  • Help block harmful viruses and bacteria from entering your body…

  • Help kill any of them who sneak past your first line of defense…

  • Regulate your immune system so it works in just the right way...

And everything else we’ve talked about today?

Well the two most abundant and most studied “families” of bacteria are Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria…

And those two families of bacteria are what researchers have studied when it comes to gut health and immunity.

So if you want to enjoy all the benefits we’ve talked about…

Simply make sure you increase your levels of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria in your body.

Prebiotics are clinically shown to do just that.

Even better is that prebiotics...

Supercharge the effectiveness of any other immunity products you might be taking

There are a lot of products out there which claim to help immunity…

And some of them work, for some people.

The problem is you’re GUESSING whether or not it will work for you…

Because they’re not individually tailored to YOUR body, YOUR genes, and YOUR immune system.

In order to enjoy complete protection you need to…

  • Help BLOCK viruses from entering your nose, throat and stomach…

  • Help KILL those that sneak past with natural antibodies…

  • Help PROTECT from excessive inflammation so your natural defenses can work properly...

That’s why I love prebiotics.

As you’ve seen, they work like a custom, on-demand “pest control” for bacteria and viruses.

So if you’re already taking something designed to do one of those three things…

That’s GREAT!

Prebiotics can supercharge the effects of those…

While filling in any gaps so you can enjoy complete protection.

That way you can…

  • Enjoy more energy so you can wake up without feeling groggy, tired and worn out...

  • Protect your entire family and give yourself more peace of mind...

  • Create a strong, bulletproof immune system even as you age...


Getting enough prebiotic fiber
​in your life is practically impossible ...

Prebiotics are generally found in RAW, WEIRD, terrible tasting foods…

And cooking strips out most of their prebiotic content. 

That’s why it’s so important to eat them raw.

Unfortunately, most people simply can’t stomach the raw versions of high-prebiotic foods, like these...

  1. Raw chicory root
  2. Raw Jerusalem artichoke
  3. Raw dandelion greens
  4. Raw garlic
  5. Raw leeks
  6. Raw or cooked onions (to a lesser extent)
  7. Raw jicama
  8. Raw asparagus
  9. Raw green bananas

Most sane people would not eat those foods in their raw form…

So I don’t blame you if you’ve never tried these foods in their raw bitter form!

Because I’ll try pretty much anything…

Especially if it’s healthy for me…

But there are limits.

That's why I decided to ask Dr. Michael Felley for some help...

Dr. Michael Felley is a physician and nutritional specialist. 

He is one of the nation’s top nutritional experts…

And I’m proud to call him a friend.

I told him about the experiments I was doing on myself to keep my immune system healthy…

And as I finished he just looked at me and said...

When I told him about my “experiments” he just looked at me and said...

“Jeremy, you’re wasting your time…
All that was completely unnecessary!”

He told me that the manufacturer he worked for had a unique process... 

That could isolate prebiotic fibers into a completely flavorless and easily mixable form.

That way you could simply add it to your coffee, smoothies, or anything liquid-based…

And become a perfect pooper in just a few short days…


So we started experimenting...

We tried ALL sorts of different combinations…

I was adamant that I wanted it to be…

  • 100% plant-based and natural…

  • Without additives, chemicals, or preservatives of any kind…

  • Completely flavorless and easily mixable…

  • With a perfect balance of soluble and insoluble fiber so you get results without becoming gassy or bloated…

It took MONTHS to figure out

the right combination…

Some of the formulas were easily mixable but added flavor that I didn’t want…

Others were flavorless but wouldn’t mix easily…

Days turned into weeks…

Weeks into months…

Failed experiment after failed experiment pushed me to my edge and made me want to give up...

But we finally did it!

I still remember opening the box and trying out our final formula for the first time.

I got two cups of coffee (one with it, and one without) and gave my wife a blind taste test…

And she had NO idea which one contained the prebiotic fiber!

So I began telling my friends, who started trying it out…

​And they BEGGED me to make more!

I couldn’t believe how well it worked for so many people.

I never realized how many people HATED getting sick and wanted to protect themselves…

And feel more energetic to boot!

After just a few weeks word was beginning to spread...

And after getting requests from family… friends… and even strangers…

I finally decided to make it available to the public.

​It’s called Peak BioBoost…

and it’s guaranteed to work
or your money back

  • Vegan friendly

  • Vegetarian friendly

  • Paleo friendly

  • Keto friendly

  • Gluten free

  • Non GMO

  • Soy free
  • Psyllium free

  • Dairy free

  • Artificial flavoring free

  • Filler free

  • Sweetener free

  • Additive free

  • Manufactured in the USA

Peak BioBoost is a blend of four science-backed prebiotic fibers to help you enjoy an optimized immune system by giving the gut exactly what it needs so it can act like an on-demand pharmacy.

It's formulated to...

  1. Help BLOCK viruses from entering your nose, throat and stomach by strengthening your intestinal lining so your gut and brain can track down invaders like a CSI crime squad...

  2. Help KILL those germs that sneak past by flooding the body with antibodies and natural killer cells so the body can react to an infection immediately…

  3. Help PROTECT from excessive inflammation so your natural defenses can work properly by controlling how your immune system responds to a threat...

But what I really love about it is how EASY it is to fit into your current lifestyle.

In fact...

Peak BioBoost has over a DOZEN uses!

When I first created Peak BioBoost, I wanted to make sure it was both flavorless AND easily mixable. 

That’s because I wanted this to be different…


And so much more effective than any supplement you have taken in the past...

The good news is…

I did just that!

Since Peak BioBoost is flavorless and easily mixable...

Most people simply add it to their morning coffee or tea. 

There is ZERO flavor, and it mixes in just seconds…

And if you’re not a coffee drinker, you can add a scoop to any of the following…




Protein Drinks


Baked Goods

Pasta Sauces

Mac n Cheese



And MANY more!

It’s SUPER simple and such an easy way to boost fiber intake for yourself and your entire family.

Plus it's easily mixable so you can use it with many foods and drinks without lumps or grittiness in just a few seconds…

To enjoy a stronger immune system, less bloating, consistent and regular bowel movements, better gut health, more energy and so much more.

But having said all that, you might be asking yourself...

Why is this specific blend of prebiotic fibers so special?

That answer is pretty simple actually…

Research shows that different probiotics thrive on different types of prebiotics. 

Just like you have your favorite meals, so do your gut bacteria!

That’s why we’ve included...

Acacia Gum 

To promote healthy bacteria in your intestines and strengthen the barrier of your intestinal wall so you get sick less often...*

Fructooligosaccharides (FOS) 

Which protects against bad bacteria, promotes healthy cholesterol, and helps speed digestion so your body can eliminate unwanted pathogens faster...*


Which swells up and forms a gel-like substance that expands in your intestines to fend off bad bacteria, prevent infection, and stimulate your immune system…*


To help the gut regulate and balance your immune by adjusting how your immune system reacts...*

Peak BioBoost is a NEW, ADVANCED way to enjoy daily perfect poops...

It’s made using…

  • The RIGHT ingredients which are shown to boost immunity and health in dozens of different ways...

  • In the RIGHT amounts so you’re getting enough to make a very real difference, but not enough to cause bloat or discomfort…

  • In a FLAVORLESS and MIXABLE powder so you can enjoy it every day without having to “force it down” like you would with a gel-like psyllium based fiber…

That’s why people are going crazy over it…

There are no big secrets here…

No clever marketing tricks…

Just a product that delivers great results, at a great price.

And as you can see…

It’s one of the simplest and smartest ways to boost your overall health

We’ve mostly talked about helping you become a perfect pooper on this page…

But the fact is…

Fiber and prebiotics help boost your health in SO many different ways.


  • Increased longevity - In an analysis over 17 studies using 980,000 participants, researchers found that every extra gram of fiber slashed the risk of mortality dying by 1%. There are 7 grams of fiber in Peak BioBoost… you do the math!*

  • Shrinks your waistline - Fiber helps shrink your waistline by helping you feel full longer after a meal and reducing your appetite. In fact one study showed that every additional gram of fiber helped them lose an extra ½ pound of fat.*

  • Supports healthy blood sugar - One study found that boosting fiber intake reduced fasting glucose levels by an astonishing 28%!*

  • Supports healthy cholesterol - An analysis of research studies showed that as little as 2g of extra fiber per day can support healthy cholesterol levels that’ll make you and your doctor smile...*

  • Supports healthy blood pressure - Research presented at the American College of Cardiology Conference showed that patients with hypertension significantly cut their risk of heart complications by consuming more fiber...*

  • Boosts mental cognition as you age - Memory and overall brain function tends to slow as we age. But fiber helps protect against this by soothing inflammation…*

  • Protects against knee pain - New research has now shown that prebiotics protect against inflammation in your joints, especially in those who are overweight...*

  • Boosts immune system - By increasing production of interleukin-4, which soothes inflammation in your immune cells so they can function better...*

  • Protects your heart - Many studies show that fiber helps fight back against cardiovascular related health issues...*

As you can see…

It’s CLEARLY a smart decision to add more fiber into your daily diet…

And Peak BioBoost is hands-down the easiest way to do that.

But all that creates a problem because…

We’re at constant risk of selling out

Peak BioBoost is a Godsend for anyone looking to enjoy better digestion, a healthier gut, and robust immune system.

In fact it’s so powerful and effective that word is spreading like wildfire…

People all over the world are discovering this incredible formula for themselves…

And they’re ordering as many as six bottles or more at a time.

That way they can enjoy a stronger, more balanced immune system…

And they’re fighting off sickness BEFORE it can infect their entire body.

It makes sense because you’ve seen the science behind Peak BioBoost and why it’s a new evolution in gut health and immune support.

And the best part is that the longer you use it…

  • The more healthier your gut can become…

  • The stronger your immune system can get...
  • The more toxins and pathogens that can get removed from deep inside your digestive tract…
  • And the better you feel...

That’s why our biggest problem right now is keeping it in stock for new customers like yourself...

That’s because...

  1. We produce Everlean in small batches to keep the quality as high as possible… 
  1. Our manufacturing process takes longer because we’re using only the highest quality ingredients, run each batch through several tests to ensure proper potency, safety, and results…
  1. Customers are reordering at a rapid pace after seeing the massive transformations in the first few weeks…
  1. And those same customers are telling their friends and family because it works so incredibly well without resorting to dangerous laxatives or gag-causing fiber powders like psyllium… 

Because of that, we’re at a CONSTANT risk of running out of bottles…

And if that happens…

You’d be forced to wait as much as three months until the next batch is produced.

That’s why I’d hate to see you procrastinate…

Coming back later to order…

Just to see a big “Out of Stock” banner on this page.

That’s why I’ve just recently reserved an extra large order from my manufacturer… and locked in a 50% discount

for new customers!

It cost me a lot of extra money to do this…

But I wanted to make sure we had enough in stock for you to order.

The good news is…

Because I ordered much more than I normally do…

My manufacturer gave me a HUGE “per bottle” discount…

Which I’m passing onto you!

You see…

While Peak BioBoost normally has a suggested retail price of $59.95 (which is an absolute steal in its own right)...

If you order TODAY while we have enough stock…

On THIS page only…

I’d like to offer it to you at a massive 50% discount for a very limited time.

You’ll see your various options below…

But first let me answer a question you might be thinking to yourself right now.

Which is...

How much should you take?

As you’ve just seen, you can mix Peak BioBoost into virtually anything since it’s flavorless.

That’s what makes this perfect for the entire family. 

Regardless, here’s how to get the best results…

FIRST, start out with 1 serving per day.


Oh wait, that’s it!

You’re done. 

It’s really that simple.

You don’t need to torture yourself by drinking a full glass of gelled-up water that makes you gag.

Simply add a scoop to your coffee, tea, or any of the other dozens of ways I showed you to use it earlier…

And enjoy ALL the benefits we’ve talked about today.

Pretty simple!

And it brings me to my next point...

​How long should you take it?

My recommendation is to think of prebiotics like you would a multivitamin. 

When you take a multivitamin, you experience the benefits of it while taking it.

But when you stop, the benefits stop.

It’s the same with a prebiotic.

It should be something you take daily to feel better, keep your digestion strong and healthy, stay slim, and enjoy more energy.

That’s why I’d like to give you...

​A huge 50% discount 

As I mentioned earlier, we recently placed a much larger order than usual...

Which means not only is it in stock…

It also got me a HUGE “per bottle” discount…

Which I’m passing onto YOU.

While Peak BioBoost normally has a suggested retail price of $59.95 (which is an absolute steal in its own right)...

If you order TODAY while we have enough stock…

On THIS page only…

I’d like to offer it to you at a massive 50% discount.

You’ll be able to order a full six-month supply for just $29.95 per bottle.

Now you don’t need to order six bottles of course…

Because below you’ll see that we have both one-month and three-month supplies as well.

But before you choose your option, I want to assure you that WHATEVER you choose...

Plus, your order is backed by our

6 month sick-free guarantee

YES, I’m guaranteeing that you stay sick-free…

Or your money back.

I know that’s a VERY bold statement to make…

But that’s how much I trust and believe in Peak BioBoost to keep you healthy.

That means if you get sick at any time in the next 6 months…

Just let us know and I’ll be more than happy to give you a 100% money-back refund. 

On top of that, you’ll receive FREE shipping if you choose our 6-bottle option.

That's an additional $9.95 savings.

Just remember, this offer is available
on THIS page only…

And for a limited time due to our inventory issues.

So look at the ordering options and choose the right package for you.

  • Try 1 jar if you’re simply trying it out and are super skeptical…

  • 3 jars if you want the best possible experience…

  • Or 6 jars if you want the best experience AND by far the best deal!

Take a moment and choose your option below...


6 Containers



Normally $359.70

50% discount

1 Container


$4.95 S&H

Normally $59.95

33.36% discount

Oh and I almost forgot…

When you order today I'd also like to give you...

87 Gut-Friendly, Immune-Boosting 

Smoothie Recipes

I partnered with one of my very good friends, Jonathan Bailor. Jonathan is the creator of “The SANE Plan” and author of the book “The Calorie Myth”.

When I told him about Peak BioBoost, he immediately loved the idea. 

That’s why he offered to give my customers 87 of his most delicious, gut-friendly, immune-boosting smoothie recipes, FREE! The smoothies themselves help promote healthy digestion and support a healthy immune system...

And if you add Peak BioBoost to them, you can supercharge your results.

Enjoy them for breakfast… lunch… as a midday snack, or even dinner! These delicious smoothies add much needed nutrients to keep your immune system in tip-top shape while supporting proper gut health.

You’ll be able to enjoy…

Blueberry Belly Blaster

Nectarine Cranberry Fat Blaster

Slimming Strawberry Sunrise

Strawberry Orange Bliss

And DOZENS more...

All while burning fat, enjoy amazing digestion, regular bowel movements, less bloating, and less gas!


6 Containers



Normally $359.70

50% discount

1 Container


$4.95 S&H

Normally $59.95

33.36% discount

Here are your two options...

We’ve gone over a lot on this page today...

Now, the decision is yours.

You’ve seen all the clinical studies… 

All the proof… 

All the reasons why giving Peak BioBoost a try is a great decision you’ll feel comfortable making. 

So now you’ve got a choice…

1. You can do nothing and give up. Then look back 6 months from now realizing that you could have simply tried something new and finally gotten the results you’ve been looking for...

2. Or you can try Peak BioBoost, risk-free. It’s convenient, effective, and works incredibly fast. You’ll enjoy a healthier gut, stronger immune system and even more energy, with less worry about getting sick and infecting your entire family. That way you can finally feel confident about your body again.

But the choice, of course, is yours…

If you’re tired of getting sick every year, or even multiple times per year...

If you’re tired of your kids giving you a “sick bug” and falling behind at work…

And if you want to boost your immune system so your gut can help you become one of the people who rarely gets sick...

I urge you to claim a risk-free trial of Peak BioBoost today.

Remember, your purchase today is completely risk-free. If for any reason you aren’t satisfied, just send back your order and receive a 100% refund. It’s as simple as that.

Here’s to a skinnier, healthier, happier (and sexier) you, 

Jeremy Reeves

Founder, CEO PeakBiome

Frequently Asked Questions

How many containers should I order?

The answer may differ from person to person. But in general…

  • Try 1 jar if you’re simply trying it out and are super skeptical…

  • 3 jars if you want the best possible experience…

  • Or 6 jars if you want the best experience AND by far the best deal!

Also remember that right now we’re holding a special discount, so be sure to place your order today before we either run out OR stop this promotion.


6 Containers



Normally $359.70

50% discount

1 Container


$4.95 S&H

Normally $59.95

33.36% discount

What’s unique about Peak BioBoost?

Peak BioBoost is a combination of four different science-backed prebiotic fibers to help you enjoy a stronger, more balanced immune system.

Simply add a scoop to your coffee…

Or any of the other dozen or so ways you can use it…

And you’ll enjoy better immunity so you’re almost never sick. 

What ingredients are in Peak BioBoost?

​Here’s a list of the actual label so you can see everything in exact detail :)

What’s the best way to take this product?

Start off with 1 serving per day and see how that works for you. If it’s a little too much, reduce to ½ serving and continue. Or if you need a little more, try up to 2 servings per day. Feel free to add it to your coffee, tea, desserts, soups/stews, or any of the other dozens of uses! 

You will receive more information on how to use the product upon ordering.

How long will it take before I feel the benefits?

​This is different for everyone. Many people notice differences in 2-3 days, while others may take a week or longer. It’s important to continue taking it to continue experiencing the benefits of it.

How safe is Peak BioBoost? Are there are any side effects?

Peak BioBoost is sourced from the highest possible ingredients which are rigorously tested for purity and potency in state of the art facilities. It is manufactured in the USA and GMP certified using safe ingredients.

There are zero reported side effects. However, individuals who have been diagnosed with SIBO (small intestinal bowel overgrowth) should consult their doctor on taking pre or probiotics. If you are concerned about Peak BioBoost interacting with your medication, please consult your doctor. Show them the list of ingredients and ask how it fits into your current treatment.

Q: Does this product contain caffeine or any other stimulants?

​No. It's stimulant-free :)

Q: Are there any allergy concerns with this product?

​Probiotics are considered very safe, especially when it comes to allergies. It is also free of sugar, artificial sweeteners, flavors, colors, preservatives, gluten, dairy, and soy. However, it is manufactured in a facility that also processes milk, eggs, wheat, and soy. If you have any concerns, please consult with your physician.

Q: How will this product be shipped to me and how quickly?

We will ship your order directly to your home or office using FedEx or UPS. Customers in the United States and Canada can expect their orders within 5 to 7 business days. International orders typically take 8 to 15 business days (plus customs clearance times). 

Q: Is it safe to order online from your website?

Of course! We use a 256-bit secure ordering server where 100% of your data is encrypted, safe, and secure. Our secure shopping cart is verified by numerous 3rd-party security verification systems, including McAfee Secure, the leader in security scanning. So, you can rest assured that your information is 100% safe and secure at all times.

Copyright © 2020 Peak Biome Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Disclaimer: Testimonials, case studies, and examples found on this page are results that have been forwarded to us by users of Peak Biome Inc. products and related products, and may not reflect the typical purchaser’s experience, may not apply to the average person, and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Disclaimer: Product not intended to treat 

Do not take if you are pregnant, nursing, taking prescription or over-the-counter medication, are under the age of 18 or have, of suspect you may have a medical condition.

​Consult your physician before using these, or any other, dietary supplements. Keep out of the reach of children or pets.

+For maximum results, combine with a healthy diet and regular exercise.

We’re confident that you’ll love our product but if you’re not completely satisfied for any reason, keep your opened bottle(s) and your unopened bottle(s) within 90 days of purchase for a full refund, minus shipping and handling. Return shipping is the responsibility of the customer. Contact our customer happiness team at [email protected] for more information. You can view return instructions here. Special offers are not valid on previous purchases and can not be combined with other offers or discounts.

ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales, Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank's role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.


  6. Pregliasco F, Anselmi G, Fonte L, et al. A new chance of preventing winter diseases by the administration of synbiotic formulations. J Clin Gastroenterol. 2008 Sep;42 Suppl 3 Pt 2:S224-33.
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  26. Kim Y, et al. Dietary fibre intake and mortality from cardiovascular disease and all cancers: A meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies. Archives of Cardiovascular Disease. 2016;109:39.